Sunday, August 16, 2020


Ok so it's Sunday, August 16th at 10:16pm and I am writing this message to you while sitting up in bed. I have so many thoughts running through my mind right now: thoughts like, "Am I going to get this album out by Friday like I intended?" and "Will the people appreciate the blood, sweat, tears, time, and money that I put into getting this project completed?" and "Will I be 1 of the TOP artists the game has ever seen?" and "Do I ever really want to become a mainstream artist or is that pressure too much?"

I don't know the answers to these questions that I have at the moment.. but what I do know is that I'm about 2-3 songs away from completing the "Mirror House" project. It's kind of sad that it's been about 9 years since I released my first project called "Parachute".  But I finally have a little catalog building. I would simply tell you that life got in the way but that's too much of a cop out excuse, paired with the failing of slight guilt for failing those who believed in my music so heavily, and so I'm going to tell you the real. 

Honestly, I've been taking a while to record a full on project because I've been more focused on getting clear on what I want, educating myself about internet marketing, and building my online businesses. Also, the funding. I didn't have enough capital to record a project of great quality like I am able to do now. Big ups to Chris Creepy Bird in Brooklyn for engineering the first half of this album and big shout outs goes to Ronnie and Omar (from the SteamRoom in Brooklyn) for engineering the second half. If it weren't for these guys I couldn't make this happen at this level. Also I want to send love to TSVN and Dave Langston for showing up at pivotal moments and being apart of big tracks on this project. These guys have some of the biggest hearts I've ever came across. They are amazingly talented and their passion for music always makes the collaboration process a sonic joy. 

I guess things really happen for a reason in life. The stars are aligning as some people say. I've had enough time to practice my delivery and write new tracks during my 'hiatus' and so I could never take that development period for granted. Timing is everything so don't let anybody make you feel less than for knowing where you're going in life. Fuck 'em if they don't have enough belief in them to believe in you.

Songs like "Firm", "Pays Off" feat. TSVN, "Renegade", "Big Dreams", and some other tracks that Kaelo Mula blessed me to get on are songs I will forever hold near and dear to my heart for the simple fact that they were recorded in hopes to hold listeners over; until I was able to finish my 2nd project. 

As artists, we invest long hours and very late nights to make this shit come to a reality. At the bare minimum we all have to respect that. A lot of weed smoking and Henny/Casamigos drinking is what we been doing to celebrate our small wins. 

At 1 point it was mostly about being famous for me, then at another point it was about getting signed, but now it's not about either. Now It's about reaching the hearts and the minds of the people with this music shit. 

I have an opportunity now to deliver on my promise and whether I did it my parent's way or mine, I know they will be proud of me regardless. 

Hold on 1 second let me get into my 'Manifestation Bag' for a second: I am the #1artist in the world along with Jay-Z, Drake, J. Cole, Big Sean, SiahTheGreat, Kendrick Lamar, Nas, Nicki Minaj, Kaelo Mula, Benji Blanco, TSVN, Nipsey Hussle, Dave Langston, Kanye West etc. and I am getting my just due of MILLIONS of listeners every month.

I have a mansion in Star Island in Florida and a Condo in Manhattan, NY. I drive 3 cars: a Porsche 911, a 2021 S-Class Mercedes Benz Coupe, and a Rolls Royce Phantom. People love me for me, the message I share in my music, and not because of the money I have. I love God. God loves me. I love the kids. The kids love me. I love my fans. My fans love me. My mother and Father are living Heaven on earth. I love them both. They both love me back. Money flows to me effortlessly and abundantly. I am recording some of the best music the world has ever heard! I have millions of fans across the globe!

All in all I'm just days away from releasing to you what I've been working on. If you like it I love it. The project will be on ALL streaming platforms including Tidal, Spotify, Apple Music etc. 

Let me know what you think when it's revealed. Feel free to cast your judgements because I know you will anyway... See you at the top ; )